Saturday, August 20, 2011

All the flavors sort of, I don't know the word...

All the flavors Marry.

I'm trying all kinds of new chicken recipes to find the flavors that make chicken good to me. This is the second time we've done Chicken Burgers with Garlic-Rosemary Mayo. I knew going in that I love these burgers. But, there are a few things that you should know going let us start!

I would love to say that I made this mayo, but I didn't...Food Processor is on the wish list though.

I love fresh herbs. I love to CHOP!
Most of the kitchen gadgets out there cut out the things that I love to do. I love to chop stuff. I love to knead dough, I love to smash the garlic. I'm not really a gadget kind of girl.

Here's your delicious Mayo. It is so good!

Here's the deal with these burgers. When you patty them out they are very sticky and almost on the verge of being a bit soupy. That's ok. That's going to make the burgers super good. Be careful with them they are fragile.

Put the burgers on the grill and leave them alone. Leave it alone for the whole 7 minutes. The mayo is going to cause this beautiful crunch. That crunch is going to be not only what keeps your burger together AND it's going to be your favorite part.

Seriously, don't forget to stick the bread on the grill (with the mayo). I would like to also mention that this bread is home-made sourdough bread. I'm pretty excited about that.

Our grill leaves a bit to be desired. It cooks on HOT and HOTTTT. But we're trying to work with it. We had to leave a fantastic grill at home because it was so big :(
The arugula is outstanding on this burger. I love arugula anyway, but with that rosemary...seriously, don't leave it out.

Along with the burgers we tried sweet potatoes on the grill and a brussel sprouts and onion saute with a splashing of different spices. It was so good. It married well!

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